Ishiyaki Jidori Issian


Address: 〒604-8017 京都府京都市中京区東木屋町三条下ル3材木町178-3 先斗町日高ビル1

Phone: 075-254-8568

We wanted to try an oden place near Pontocho, but they were closed, so we were wandering around the Pontocho alley looking for a place to eat and we found Isshiyaki Issian. Surprisingly, it was good choice! The meat was seasoned nicely and the hot stone definitely cooked the organic chicken really well.

Gan: Even though we plan most of our meals out during our trips, we also always keep a few meal slots open for adventure. Most of time, they are the most memorable part of the trip.

Super hot stone

Organic chicken meat balls on the hot stone!


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